As technology continues to grow, Linking Events has made efforts to expand their own technology; we will now be offering the option of using iPads for lead generation. While paper surveys have always been efficient, this new form of collection can ease the use of data entry and maintain a professional look at events. Surveys can either be provided by the client, or Linking Events is ready to prepare customized survey for each event.
The Pros of iPads:
- iPads, while requiring more promotional specialists and slightly more time, make sure that every field has been filled out on the survey and people cannot skip over important questions.
- iPads make for a sleek and professional look for the client, and never get messy or fly away during outdoor events.
-iPads eliminate the use of data entry, as Linking Events will be able to provide all responses in an easy to read and filter Excel format.
- This new wave of technology, and the iPad's popularity in general, will catch the attention of event goers and can accumulate more responses just on looks alone.
- No longer will you have to worry about being able to read the surveys: because they are typed, they will always be legible!
For more information, please contact Linking Events at 469.518.6695. Be sure to visit our website at