Friday, May 13, 2016

Introducing Marketing Matters Mondays!

In a world so connected, sometimes it may feel like we run into information overloads, where we want to absorb as much information possible in the least amount of time. Whether it be time constraints or a short attention span, we here at Linking Events are learning and adapting to try to capture attention in the digital age. We understand that in today’s hustle and bustle we might not always have the time to sit down to try learn new ways to reach our consumers. It was that kind of challenge that made us brainstorm new ways to get that crucial information to our audience. With that, we are proud to have recently launched a new weekly series on our Instagram called Marketing Matters Mondays!
We decided we wanted to use our years of experience in the industry to impart useful marketing information quickly at your fingertips. Instagram is a great platform as it doesn’t require any additional work other than just scrolling down your feed. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @linkingevents to make sure you don’t miss any handy marketing advice every Monday. With posts ranging from handy marketing tips and statistics to featured posts from other marketing influencers, we’re sure we have something that can help build your brand.
Though, we will always stand by our belief that face-to-face interactions are best, we hope to help all our followers via our easy to read posts. When you’re ready for those rewarding interactions, give us a call to help you with your experiential marketing and sponsorship needs.